02 November 2018


Hey folks, it's Caturday again!
OK, ok, I may be jumping the gun a bit as it is only 10:38 my time. Well, better to be early than later.
So, for your enjoyment of Caturday, some new LOL cats.

 OK, until next post, please TRY to be nice to each other. If we all try to do this, maybe we won't have so many mass shootings here in our own country. Yeah, I would like to change the world. I'd like to make the entire planet safer for children and other living critters. Yes, that IS a rip of an old anti-war poster from the Vietnam war era. The original was more like; War is unhealthy for children and other living things. Trust me, I saw combat during that damn fool war, the poster was 100,000,000% correct. It still is true today, maybe more so as we now have nastier weapons than we did then.

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Well, it sure has been a long time