Well, once again, we have a mass shooting to deal with here in 'Merikkka. How goddamn sick are we as a nation? This sort of thing does not happen very often, or even at all, in most countries. Yes, there are wars being fought, lost causes mostly in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, and many more countries too numerous for me to list here right now.
The Onion, a satire web site had been posting links to this type of news story with the following headline; "No way to predict this sort of thing says country where this happens regularly". OK, that may not be a 100% perfect quote, but it is close enough.
Those who know me, understand that I do not believe in any god. However, as long as those who do believe in a god or multiple gods don't bother me, unless or until they try to make me believe as they do. As long as they live and let live, my unbelief does not harm them, I have no problem with them believing in as many gods as they wish to worship.
What sort of asshat goes into any religious building during a religious service and shoots as many of the people who are there to practice their own religion? What harm are they doing to said gunman? My reply; they are doing NO harm at all to him nor to me nor anybody else. We have freedom of religion in the US of A people. We just do NOT have a state religion. Yes, the US of A is not and never has been a "Christian" nation. It maybe that a majority of this country, when asked, may claim to be Christian, but I'll bet you they lie. Many people will claim to be religious when asked out of peer pressure or some long ago time spent attending church as a child or young adult. Again, those folks don't bother me in any way.
Freedom OF religion implies freedom FROM any religion. My non-belief is as valid as the belief of any religious person in the US of A. Any who want to disagree with me, feel free to do so, but remember one thing, I will defend myself and if need be, fight back. I'd rather be dead than attend any religious service. My personal plans are set, have been set for some years now. After I die, my body will be taken by the funeral home, put in a box, hope it is cardboard, then burned. A small portion of the ashes will get placed in a small urn and set in a wall at the local military cemetery. The rest are to be disposed of at an approved toxic waste dump. NO service of any kind, no music, NO preaching allowed. Nobody need attend as nothing of any matter will happen at that time. When the arrangements were made, it was not even a requirement to place death notice in any newspaper, so I opted out of even that. Nobody needs to know, as nobody will really care. Hells bells folks, you can go to LOL cats yourself, just use the link on this page. If you'd rather wait for me to post the ones I like, well, OK by me, until I'm dead.
I do sort of think reincarnation might be a neat thing, but only IF I can come back as a plane house cat with humans like me to care for. Oh man, that would be sweet, for me…..LOL.
Seriously, I do think that would be very nice for me and no, I would not break things just because. Well, not too much of the expensive stuff any way.
One more comment on this latest mass shooting that has claimed at least 11 lives. I do think that our current POTUS has some share of the blame for this. No, he did not tell the shooter to go and do this. His tweets, his talks, the way he sets people against the media (OK the MSM in 'Merikkka sucks, but come on,we shouldn't go and shoot them) has lead to this sort of thing. Yes, I know, more have happened before he was elected and some of them resulted in more deaths. However, Trump is encouraging people to violent behavior.
One further comment. How come 11 US citizens get killed during their religious service and it is about the only thing the US MSM can talk about, but Palestinians are being shot, wounded and killed for getting too close to that goddamn vile fucking wall the zionist entity has built around parts of Gza and the West Bank, but those killings never make it to any US MSM reports? Answer that one Donald!
'Merikkka, land of fucking hypocrites!
Now, do you begin to understand WHY I keep asking you readers of this insignificant blog to TRY to treat everybody you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated? Do you? Because if we don't at least try to be nice to each other, we just may find ourselves in another goddamn civil war. As a former Marine combat vet, I can tell you from first hand experience that there is not one fucking thing civil about war.
Until next time, TRY, just TRY to be nice to each other.
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