31 October 2018

And now........something completely different

Yes, I know, the title of the post today was ripped off from one of my favorite comedy groups, Monty Python.  Well, since I ranted so much about the mess in 'Merikkka the last two posts, I felt I ought to lighten things up a bit. A bit, as in just a bit. I'm going to dump out some good ones from good old (he may not be that old) Atheist Jack. Some may not like these, well OK, I'm not asking anybody to like anything I post here, ever. As it says on the main page here, MY place on the interwebs to say whatever I want to say. I mentioned before, I am not looking for followers. Follow me at your own risk because I don't really know where I am going to. Probably hell, IF it exists, which I doubt, same goes for heaven. Oh, and as a song by the now dead (I still don't know why we call our dead, late. They are dead, they will never be anywhere on time ever again) George Harrison; "Any Road". In the song he sings "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there". Kind of fits my theme song, by the Grateful Dead: Hell in a Bucket. "I may be going to hell in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride". 
And now some things to ponder vi Atheist Jack.

 You can see from a rather simple quote, just why so many religious folks despised Mr. Ingersoll during his lifetime. He is as relevant today as he was then, maybe more so now.
Well, I'm stopping for now at this point.
Until next time, please just TRY to treat everybody you come in contact each day the same way you want to be treated. We need to act civilized people. Our very lives depend on doing this. 

p.s. In case somebody may not have got the Noah one. First cousins getting married is not allowed in most of 'Merikkka. It isn't quite, but is damn close to incest and it can pass on all sorts of nasty genetic defects. Just look at the royals in Europe before and during WW1. Well, there is an old say; "Incest is best. Keep it in the family".
As Bugs Bunny would say---ain't I a stinker?

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Well, it sure has been a long time