Yeah, I know, another post from me. Well, sorry about that, but unfortunately I ain't dead yet so suck it up and either read on or just go to another web site or blog. Of course I'm in a nasty assed mood. As I told my immediate boss while in the damn fool Vietnam war when he mentioned my attitude; I know I don't have a great attitude, I don't even have a good attitude, but goddamn it all, it's MY attitude. By the way, he never, ever was in any way critical of my work/job performance. He even told me that he knew without any doubt that I could keep any of the generators we needed to run our radio relay sites going better than anybody he'd ever worked with in his entire, at that point 7 years in the USMC. So there ya go. Never, ever call me a "good person". I am not by any means. But by doG, I can do damn good work.
OK, some article I'm going to link to today. First off, this one I feel needs to be read by any who actually care. Care about what you ask? Well, life, world peace, little children, hell, pick something to give a shit about. It is worth your time. Well, I think it is. You decide for yourself. I will never demand any of you read/follow any links I post here. As I stated before on this little blog, I am NOT a boss/leader.
The colossal cost of Washington's unending wars
Before you freak out, YES, this is from WSWS---World Socialist Web Site. Geeez people, deal with it. There ARE multiple sources of good information beyond the shit spewed out by US of A media. I don't understand how any sane human can stand to listen to or watch that insane Maddow critter, she is as bad as old Bill O.
Total loon and crazed moron who is hung up on "the vile Ruskies did it" bullshit.
The next link is also from outside 'Merikkka. Hey, if you think the media in 'Merikkka will ever cover things like this, oh boy, you need serious intervention in my opinion. You should have read the very first post I put on this blog. I told you up front, your favorite ox probably will be gored here. So, here goes with one for all the "Bernie folks", yeah, those goddamn FAKE "progressives" who are as full of shit as Hi-Larry.
Bernie Sanders boots Kiriakou
Holy crap on a stick! Can you say hypocrites? Damn straight I sure CAN! Progressives for Bernie? What kind of "progressive" is this? I call it sour grapes, well, no, I call it goddamn fucking cowardly bullshit.
American motto
This is an older post that was updated after the mass killing in Lost Wages recently. It is an excellent article, not too long, but Mr. Davidson says oh so much in it. The new 'Merikkkan motto; Free, Armed, and Stupid. And damn right I place great emphasis on the STUPID portion.
Now for some lighter bits, courtesy of the good old, always worth MY time, the Onion.
While I may disagree with his choice of words
If you read this, scroll on down to see three extra links about Paul Ryan. Yes, I know, it is almost too easy to pick on poor lil' Paulie. Well, sometimes you DO go after the low hanging fruit. An easy target just helps me stay in practice.
How the world has changed
This isn't very long either. The Onion usually keeps them short and to the point. Unlike me. Yeah, I know, I talk too much, online, in comments I post at other blogs/sites, and for sure in person. Kay Sara Sara.
One more just because.
Heaven slides to sixth place
Before I stop, some extra LOL cats. Just because.
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