Well hell, I woke up and goddamn, I'm ain't dead yet.....again. This is getting old.
Today, I give you two more from the old satire site, yes folks, the Onion. I think they are worth the short few minutes it takes to read them. Now, IF they make you think, well, that just may take a good bit more time. If so, then it will be worth it. Any who, that is MY opinion. Yours will vary no doubt. If you are getting tired of my links to that site, well just go read some other blog. Nobody forced you to read this one. Hell, nobody even asked you to read it. Well, I'd best backtrack some on that last comment. I did email a very few select group of long time friends that I was starting a new blog and sent them the address of this blog. I am sure I only sent this web address to three, yes, three long time friends I have on the old interwebs. I will NOT name them, they know who they are and that is enough for them and me. Oh, they all have been to this blog and either posted comments to it or emailed me about it.
The first link is about the mass shooting/killing this past Sunday.
The politicians in 'Merikkka are about THE most craven ever in all of human history.
Paul Ryan quickly runs tweet about Texas shooting
This one was made after the larger mass killing/shooting in Lost Wages, BUT it still applies in my view.
this shooting isn't about gun control we refuse to pass
Now I am going to give a link to a reliable news source. This was posted at Counterpunch, but was originally on the site Tom Dispatch. I've been reading that site for years and while I don't always agree with some of the folks who post there, to me that is a good thing. Think about it for a few minutes. If you agree with everything a person or web site puts up for you, there may be something wrong with how you think. Just as I am a dues paying member of the ACLU, for decades now, I told them in emails and even a phone call or three that while I support them and know they are doing much good, I do not agree with everything they do or stand up for. I told them that to me, this is a very good thing. If we all agreed on everything, this would be such a miserable boring assed world, most of us would kill ourselves before the age of 14. There would never be any debate, no discussions needed, since everybody would always agree to everything. Give me a fucking break! I'd be bored to death over 60 years ago. No, I don't mean to get angry, but honest, civilized debate is a damn good thing. Too bad that is nearly impossible in 'Merikkka today. We need honest, open debate now more than any time in my nearly 70 years of this life. We won't get it from what passes as our leaders though. Nope, they are way too deep in the pockets of the super rich to allow such to happen.
My only quibble with what Tom says is this. He still refers to the "war ON terror" that W. Shrub and Mr. 5 deferments (Cheney) started after "9/11". NO! It IS a war OF terror. Always was, always will be. Terror FROM 'Merikkka ON the rest of the world, well, at least against nations that can not do any harm to 'Merikkka. Yes sir boys and girls, 'Merikkka, the "exceptional" nation, the "indispensable" country is a huge father fucking COWARD! Deal with that.
the making of bin ladens america
I want to say, as usual, that I'd like you all to treat everybody you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated, but I suppose all the folks who read this little blog are getting tired of me asking this. Well, until i hear differently, I will no longer ask that of you. I'd probably have better success banging my head against a brick wall any way. If you feel like doing it, then try. If not, well, just wait a day or so until the next mass shooting/killing to happen in the only nation where that shit happens regularly. The choice is yours. It IS your life and you need to live it your way. Fuck me AND the sheep I rode in on.
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