Well, I suppose I could rant on and on how some moronic asshats are still harping about how the Russians "stole" the last election here in 'Merikkka. Notice I said I suppose I could do that. Well, tough beans and hard cheese folks, I'm still not quite up to that yet. I do feel like I am getting better each day, and I have been reading more of my usual news sites recently, just don't yet feel up to giving my opinion on this crapola just now except to say it IS crap. Not just any old crap, but more like a large field of fresh cow pies. For those of you who have never been around a dairy, cow pie is a term used to describe cow poop/manure. Walk through a dairy, no, not the dairies that are passed off as such in SoCal, is there are still any there now days. They were getting fewer every year before I left that area in the spring of 2000. I mean, go to a real dairy farm like there used to be when I was a kid in southern Wisconsin. Walk through the fields where the cows were turned out to after morning milking. Mind you step or you will be scrapping cow shit off your shoes/boots for a long time. Basically, do not step in cow pies.
Over at Black Agenda Report there is an article about the current memo that has been in the news recently. The US MSM is calling said memo a "nothing burger". Well, that may be, however the article at Black Agenda Report says it is a "Whopper with fries". Not quite what we'd call a "nothing burger" at all. FISA memo is Not a nothing burger
OK, ok, so I did post a link to the article. I will say I tend to agree with the author and leave it there for now. When I get a bit more rested I may have more to say on the matter. And yet, I wonder what the hell is this all for. Seriously folks, it is over one full year that the orange haired rodent has been occupying the office of POTUS and still there are many who cannot/will not accept the election outcome. Where the hell were these moronic asshats back in 2000? It was clear that W. Shrub had lost that election and yet these same fools who feel Hi-Larry was robbed allowed the nine fools (aka; the supreme court) to put the very same W. Shrub into the office of POTUS. If they could allow that, why not the current occupant? Just because Hi-Larry was supposed to be coronated as the 'savior' of 'Merikkka? Well, with crap advisors like Madass Albright who said no "real" woman could vote for any other candidate than Hi-Larry, I think we'd be way worse off had that old dried up hag won the election outright. Yeah, ok, she supposedly did win the popular vote, BUT, Trump won the electoral college vote. Which prompts the following question. What are the requirements to get into this electoral college? What exams does one have to take and pass to become a student at said college? Yes, I AM being a bit snarky as the electoral college is NOT a real college, in that there is no learning there. Actually, in my opinion, anybody with the smallest bit of real smarts would be rejected from said 'college' ASAP they found you to have real smarts.
Well hell, I did post some commentary after all. Well, enough of that mess. Today IS Caturday so…….time for more LOL Cats.
Well, that is more than enough of me for today. Until next time, please just TRY and treat all those you come in contact with the way you want to be treated. If we all just try to do this, we can make the world a better place for us all.
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