19 October 2018

Wow, once again, it is Tell George It's Friday

Hey all, it is once again, Tell George it's Friday. Yup, T.G.I.F..
I don't really have much to rant about. Anybody with even one half of a functioning brain cell knew that Brett, the rat turd, was going to get his seat on next to the other supremes and he got it.  No comment on the death of the Saudi journalist for now. We still don't know for sure just what happened to him and it may be that he will drop off the 'news cycle' sooner than later. I refuse to speculate. 
Just going to share some extra LOL cats and be done with it for today. Enjoy the following, or not, your choice.

Yes, you know what is coming now. Well, if you read this insignificant blog very often, you DO know what is coming up now, yes, my request that all of you people treat every other person you come in contact with every day the way you want to be treated. Hey people, if we all just TRY to do this, we can make this world a much nicer place for all of us. Until next time, take care of yourseleves and be nice to each other.

p.s. In case the color of the two kittens hugging isn't very clear (red captions??) the best vitamin for friends is "B1". It is in the lower left at the bottom of the photo.

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Well, it sure has been a long time