13 October 2018

Once again, It's Caturday.

Greetings to all. I want to add my feelings of compassion for those in the Eastern portions of the US of A who were hit by this latest hurricane. Down here in Louisiana we know about what you folks are left with. Katrina and Rita hits us pretty hard, though Katrina was more to the East of our state. Rita basically came up through the center of Louisiana. The last hurricane to really hit Loosy Annie was Gilbert in 2008. Yes, when the levies broke, New Orleans got hit very bad and that city, well the Lower Ninth Ward, still has not really recovered! Yes, after all this time it is still mostly has not been rebuilt yet. Also, it seems that the folks who run that city don't really want the people who had to vacate that part of the city to come back. Rather "gentrify" the entire place. I hope that plan fails. Those who had to leave should come back to decent, affordable homes. Call me a socialist if you want won't hurt me in any way, shape, or form. I told Dad after I came home from 13 months in the rice paddies and jungle of Vietnam that I'd been called everything under the sun, including late for dinner, more than once. Like the older than dirt saying from my grade school days says; sticks and stones may break y bones, but words will never hurt me.
I know from living here since April 2000 how bad this can get. Not to be a huge downer, but with global warming a fact, no matter what the deniers say, these storms will get bigger, more powerful and more frequent in the near future. We are in for some seriously bumpy rides folks. All the more reason for all of us to treat everybody we come in contact with each day the same way we want to be treated. Once you get hit by one of these huge and seriously nasty storms, you will need all the help you can get. Be a total asshole to others and you may be among the very last to get any sort of help from others. Listen folks, we all of us live on this one, rather modest sized planet. We need to get along well with each other. OK, enough of me telling you all how to behave and/or live as decent human beings. It's Caturday so, here are the LOL cats.

OK, that looks to be more than enough for you to get a smile or three from. Hey, one or more of you may even laugh out loud for reals. That would be excellent. Hey, for me, if I get even just one small smile from posting these silly LOL cats, then I feel that I have made a positive contribution. Until next time, be nice to each other. Help those who need help. Try and cheer up those who seem to be having a shit day. If we all just try to do this, we CAN make the world a much nicer place for us all. Old Walter P. Kronkat is going to grab some sleep now.

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Well, it sure has been a long time