I suppose I could go off on a rant about how really screwed 'Merikkka is with the orange haired rodent nominating Pompeo to be Secretary of State and how he wants to put a nasty female type as head of the CIA. Yes, I did write female type as opposed to woman. Why? Because I do not think any decent woman would have ever been involved in the crap this female has done during her career. She supposedly was in charge of a secret CIA prison in Thailand for crap sake. Oh, and to top off the shit storm, we may see that total asshat Bolton again. Yeah, he may be making a come back of sorts in the State Department of all places. Jeebus H. Christ he should have been retired permanently to the rubber room years ago.
Well, it seems these old neo-cons never go away. Will we have to endure Mr. 5 deferments Cheney again as well? Oh, Cheney is from Wyoming. When I was in the Marines, a buddy of mine who was from Colorado had a saying about Wyoming. He used to have to go to that state to fix broken trucks later after we both left the Marines.
His saying about Wyoming was; Wyoming, where men are men. Women are scarce, and the sheep are scared. Take that Dick! Hope his pacemaker goes nuts.
OK, now for some fun things. Yes,it IS satire, deal with it, to not. Your life, your choice.
Furiously spinning White House door
Oh come ON, it IS funny. Has anybody kept a count of the number of people who have quit the current POTUS? I haven't. I sort of thought about keeping a count of those who left/quit, but by then end of his first few months in office, well, the numbers were getting too high and I have more to do than keep count of the losses.
Facebook reminds users
Hey, if you still use farcebook ,well, you signed up for this crap.
Facebook algorithm mortified
Wow, even the programing code is feeling like crap over what it has done. The people who run farcebook? Um, not so much.
Researchers find decline in Facebook
Of course you could try this yourself and see if you agree with the researchers. Just a thought. Again, you life, your choice.
OK, this one is not quite so funny. It deals with these driverless cars that Uber and others are unleashing on us all. Yes, I know, a woman was killed by one of these things recently. The Onion decided to do this next story any who. Read it or not. It is not quite funny, but it is a bit creepy.
As you can see, they are quite harmless says Uber rep
Well, that is more than enough from me for now. I'll try and be back for Caturday. I've found some new LOL cats that I really like and you may also. See you on Caturday, if not sooner, and we'll all see.
Until next time, just try to not be mean to others. Oh, who am I kidding? You will all do whatever the hell you want to do. Yeah, I'm not going to ask you to treat others the same way you want to be treated nor will I ask you to just try that not even going to ask you to be nice to each other. You are all tired of reading that and I'm past trying to make a difference. I DO think it would be a much nicer world if we all did just TRY as I have been asking since the early posts here, but hells bells, it doesn't seem to have any positive effect, so, I won't ask any more. (hears the readership cheering wildly).
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